Sunday, September 30, 2007


Does anyone know how much is "acceptable" to pay a babysitter? I just asked a young woman at church to babysit for Breanna this coming Saturday night.....I have no clue how much to pay her????

If you couldn't tell, I have NOT been good about getting a babysitter. My goal when we moved to Washington was to have a standing date night with Rob and have a babysitter lined up for that so we could go out once a week without Breanna.

Well....since then, it hasn't happened. I'm too chicken to leave my baby girl with anyone!!!! Every week I think about it and then I don't call any girls on the young women's list because I feel to scared to leave her with one of them.

Can you say separation anxiety??

Rob paid this lady Pam in our ward watch Breanna last week and took me out to dinner for my birthday which was great, but I felt comfortable because I know her and she has 3 of her own children, and carries Breanna around like she is one of the family. We went out at 4pm and got back at 7pm so that we could get Breanna before she got cranky and tired. We had a BLAST, but I know that I shouldn't rely on families to babysit Breanna, especially for a night out.

Any suggestions on feeling comfortable with a babysitter??

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Vacation, Vacation

Ok, so the weirdest thing happened today......

We asked Breanna for input on where she wants to go on vacation for her first vacation and this is what happened.....

So, from experience, this meant to me that she wants to go on a cruise!?!?! Well, that's where I have heard this song played over and over again!! I guess Breanna already has a mind of her own! Now, if only we could get someone to sponsor this dream of hers....

PS - No need to tell me....I know I'm a dork :)