Awhile ago when we were at the park I was frustrated by a little girl who would NOT get off the swing. This park was wierd b/c it only had one swing and it was a baby swing. Now this girl was about 3 and was HOGGING the baby swing. I'm talking 45 minutes of baby swing time. I just kept letting Breanna play, so it wasn't that big of a deal, but I wanted to give Breanna a turn on the swings!
Well, later Breanna got a turn and guess what I created.....a swing hog!! She LOVES the swings and does not want to get off....ever. She also doesn't want anyone else to swing, except herself of course :)
So my daughter has become the swing hog that I previously was annoyed by!
(PS - These pics are at a different parks where there were LOTS of swings :)
Mother's Day 2022
2 years ago