I'm excited to try this out!!! Rob and my first date was on Valentines Day in 2004....WOW!! So, that's 7 years ago on this V-day!! Since, we both FORGOT our own WEDDING anniversary this year, maybe I can take the lead and shower him with love and fun for our other anniversary! So, the rest of the post is copied from other blogs with this idea, but if you haven't heard of this (I hadn't), then I thought I'd share it with anyone else interested! If you're going to try it let me know and tell me how it goes! I will let you know how it goes for us!
14 days of valentine’s....... (GOT THIS FROM
"If you’ve never heard of it before, the 14 Days of Valentine’s is.... Basically, from February 1st through the 14th, you come up with a small act of service, small present, or token of love to give to the person you love. The goal is completely selfless giving with NO expectation of reciprocation. So often, you can completely surprise the other person who isn’t expecting 14 Days’ worth of love and presents. You want nothing more than to make the other person feel loved, cared about, and appreciated. None of it needs to be expensive or over-the-top, though you can take it as modestly or as extravagantly as your budget and desire dictate.
1. This is not a vehicle for you to dump guilt on your Mr. Wonderful if he is not the romantic type. If you are a guilt-dumper, change your ways or your are not allowed to play.
2. This is not a contest. There is no competition to see who comes up with the best ideas. All ideas are free for the taking. In fact, I encourage the sharing and taking of ideas. Your only prize will be a deliriously happy Mr. Wonderful (or Mrs./ get the idea).
3. This is not a build up for gifts. Do not expect a gift. This is for you to completely shower your Love with pure love. Completely selfless. You do not automatically deserve jewelry for doing this.For starters, about half the people I know that do this try to incorporate the number of the day into the gift (i.e. TEN fingers to give you a massage, Dinner for the TWO of us, SIX ways to say ‘I love you,’ etc.) I’ll leave the clever wording up to you, but here are some ideas to get you started…
Love notes and tokens:
A handmade, old-fashioned valentine *bonus points for using doilies
A small container of “things I love about you”
A handwitten note or poem
A small booklet made with some of your favorite memories together
Hearts decorated with “I love you” in different languages posted all over
Homemade Valentine’s crossword puzzle (make your own here)
A valentine’s playlist for their iPod (you could match the number of songs to the date)
Gifts or Presents:
Everything for a movie night in or out (popcorn, a DVD, tickets, movie treats)
A date to get their favorite treat out (gelato, bakery treats, etc.)
Hot chocolate (you can even include heart-shaped marshmallows)
Bubble bath or Massage lotion
A favorite Valentine’s candy
Framed picture of you or your family for their desk
A book or photo album
Homemade coupon for something they need or want (Let’s go pick up ____ )
Acts of Service:
Shoulder rub or foot massage
Making the bed
Packing a special lunch (bonus points for heart-shaped things)
Cleaning up a bedroom, closet, or rooms around the house
Taking care of a nagging errand/task the other person has been meaning to (or needing to) get to
Polish their shoes
Changing a habit (I know one friend who promised to turn the lights off when she left the room for a week–her husband was so grateful)
Homemade Food and Treats (I could go on forever here):
Brownies, cookies, or other treat cut into heart shapes
Molten lava cakes
A cherry (or other) pie decorated for the occasion
Heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast
A favorite or indulgent food you don’t eat often, served for dinner
A special Valentine’s dinner (always my day 14 present) *bonus points if you include candles and something nice to drink
Here is a link for more ideas:
Feb 1 - You Have My One Heart - heart shaped chocolates (Dove) in cute red/pink/white takeout box. Heart decoration over his mirror. Box and decoration for $1 each at Target.
Feb 2- For just the Two of Us - invitation in calligraphy on nice card stock to my homemade valentine dinner. Include menu and two candles, and bottle of sparkly.
Feb 3 - The Three necessities for our next date night - 2 movie tix and a box of Red Vines.
Feb 4 - Four Beautiful Children (and one cute wife)- head shots of the kids and me taped to the inside of his windshield. I might even write with lipstick on his windshield
Feb 5 - Five (x2) fingers - massage lotion from Bath & Bodyworks
Feb 6 - Six candy bars in a candy gram - things like Big Hunk, Twix, Sugar Daddy etc. No, I am NOT telling you what I am writing!
Feb 7 - Seven freshly made orange or cinnamon rolls. Hide the rest for later.
Feb 8 - I'll love you for Eternity (Eight on its side). This will be a home made Valentine card.
Feb 9 - Nine Items for Breakfast in Bed - 3 egg omelet with spinach, mushrooms and feta (that makes 6), sourdough toast (7), orange juice (8), broiled fresh pineapple (9)
Feb 10 - 10 - Ten Things I Love About You written on beautiful card stock and propped on his pillow to find when he gets home
Feb 11 - Eleven Reasons we are grateful for our dad and husband Family Home Evening. The kids will be involved with this one. I'll let them run with their imaginations and each come up with something.
Feb 12 - Twelve Hugs and Twelve Kisses. Hershey's Hugs and Kisses (12 each!) in another cute little takeout container. DH shares all chocolates with the kids. As long as it isn't dark chocolate, I have no problem abstaining.
Feb 13 - Thirteen Ways To Say I Love You on Post-It Notes. Start researching languages now. Make sure you write down what language it is. If your DH speaks a foreign language, be sure to include that one in the thirteen languages. Be silly and go for pig latin. Be creative with drawings of ASL signs. Write it Korean/Chinese/Japanese if you know the calligraphy.
Feb 14 - A letter expressing how much I love him and a note to remind him to meet me for dinner at a certain time.