Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Bachelor

So...I always have wierd dreams, this is my warning, but last night was crazy/awkward and funny.

I dreamed that I was on "The Bachelor" and made it to the final 3 girls. it was the first time in "Bachelor history" that they ever had a MARRIED, PREGNANT woman on the show. But, I made it to the final 3 and then got dumped.

Then, the producers of the show thought that they would add a "twist". Obviously they didn't think that me being on the show was awkward enough...they decided for the first time ever, they were going to keep me on the show even though I was already rejected.

So apparently in my dream I was they girl that they decided to humiliate on the show this season, b/c there is always at least one girl who makes a mess of herself either yelling, crying, slightly stalking or something like that on the Bachelor.

So the awkward pregnant lady stayed on the show, walking around the house, with no purpose. I also got to join the final 2 girls on their individual dates with the Bachelor. It was so hilarious and awkward in my dream b/c I would just sit there on the dates and make comments like, "I never knew you guys had such a connection" (Mind you this is while they're kissing). I sulked around the rest of the show, with nothing too interesting except for embarrassment and awkwardness b/c the Bachelor had NOT chosen me and I was still there.......

That's all I can remember about my dream. When I woke up I was laughing and told Rob about it and told him I was going to post it on my blog, he told me that might not be a good idea, but what the heck, I thought it was hilarious!


m@R(! said...

that is soo funny!! I love that definitly gives me my weekly dose of drama.

P Kirkwood said...

I used to have the craziest dreams when I was pregnant. But that one takes the cake! Too funny!

Trina Barry said...

Congrats on #2, I'm so happy for you! You're about a month ahead of me. I'm due August 4th. Thanks for a good laugh with your dream story, I'm glad you posted it-- hilarious!!!

Shalena said...

That was so funny! Prego dreams are always the most intresting! Congrats on baby 2!

Michelle & Todd said...

You dork! I just have psycho scary dreams which isn't too fun. I wish I could dream about things like the bachelor :0)

Matti said...

I think it's a great idea. Hillarious! Pregnant dreams are so wierd. I had a really wierd one the other night, I remember thinking it was a lot like the Bachelor, but I can't remember how it went exactly. Anyway, hope you are feeling well. Congrats on baby #2. I don't think I have talked to you since you were here! I tried calling over Christmas break, but Rob had the phone and I am a horrible friend because I haven't tried again since.
Michelle told me forever ago that you were pregnant (I think she was trying to get you back for you telling me about her.) Just kidding, I don't think she was trying to get back for anything. I'm sure she was super excited. So Congratulations!!! I have been waiting forever for you to post it on your blog!! I can't wait to find out what you are having!

natalie said...

haha. I'm glad you shared. So are you watching this season? Who do you want Jason to end up with?
I wanted Jillian. boohoo