This picture is of Breanna holding a pretty much dead worm. She was "playing" with it by carrying it around and showing it to all of us. She liked walking around and finding new homes for the worm. This is not a special occasion.....she is very intrigued by bugs and loves to watch them, try to catch them, touch them and hold them. She likes ants, caterpillars, loves rollie pollies, dragonflies and more.
Just the other day she picked up another worm on our walk (this one I think was 95% dead) and carried it on the whole walk until we reached our neighborhood and then......snap, the dry dead part of the worm broke in between her chubby fingers.
"Mommy, can you fix it?" she asked.
Sorry Breanna, you can't fix a dead worm :)
So, this is a warning to all you bugs.....if you see a little girl running towards you, RUN THE OTHER DIRECTION....she loves you, but will end your life, accidentally.