Monday, January 25, 2010

Have you read this??

So.......have any of you ever read the book "5 love languages"? I'm reading it right now and it's REALLY good. You can use it not only for your hubby, boyfriend, or KIDS too :) Everyone has a different "love language" and we all want to be shown love in different ways.

Um......FYI....I've been showing Rob love in the COMPLETELY WRONG way the whole time we've been married!!! So, my love language is a mix between "quality time" and "acts of service". So, that's how I show love to him........his love languages are "gifts"...and probably "physical touch". So, me spending time with him and cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, etc. is NOT his love language. He honestly could care less if I get that stuff done.

I should have caught onto this, but the book makes you think about this stuff.....I was thinking about it, on our 1st date he gave me a present! He ALWAYS gets me stuff for birthdays, v-day, holidays, and just randomly too. Obviously he's showing me love the way he wants to be shown love. I would rather that he just spent time with me talking going on a walk together or......I know this is lame, but did the dishes, or picked up his clothes, rather then gifts sometimes!!!

Great book, I highly recommend it. I'm not done, but I'm trying to think of what type of love language Breanna is, maybe she's too young cuz she seems to be quite a combination of lots of different ones. Ethan is DEFINITELY "physical touch" or "quality time" right now :) He LOVES being held, played with, etc....but he is only 6 months old.

Here's a link where you can take a quiz and see what love language YOU are :)


Trina Barry said...

Thanks for the link! I'll have o have Aaron take the quiz!

natalie said...

I've been hearing about this book and there is also one about kids so apparently Breanna is not too young. Thanks for the recommendation. I'm going to check it out. I WISH Noel didn't care if I did the dishes, picked up, etc. Unfortunately that is how he wants me to show love. UGH.

Ashley C said...

I haven't actually read the book, but Nate and I know about it so we've had many discussions about our love languages. I think its so helpful for couples. It really is such a good thing to know about each other. Mine is quality time and nate's is service. Service is hard. :)

Rick and Corina Douglas said...

Funny thing...
You and Rob got us that book last year for Christmas since it was on our Christmas book want list! It is a great book and he has books for love language for your kids! Its amazing how we always tend to show our spouse love the way we want it reciprocated. "Love and Respect" is really good as well! I am reading the love dare right now, (its more for couples who are struggling but i dont think it can hurt a great relationship, only make it stronger!) but its from that movie Fireproof!