Tuesday, March 24, 2009

3rd trimester woes

Okay, I'm not in my 3rd trimester, but my sister Michelle is and I feel bad for her! The poor thing has had contractions since 28 weeks along, real ones too, not Braxton Hicks. They've been monitoring her since she's had to go to the hospital and since then she's had all sorts of complications that they've been monitoring. Low fluid level, baby not growing, belly not growing, contractions, more contractions, and more contractions.....YUCK.

I was terrified of the 3rd trimester when I was pregnant with Breanna, and kept thinking okay, when is it going to get worse, this isn't that bad. Yes, I was unconfortable, sore, etc...but overall my pregnancy was EASY in the 3rd trimester. They way women talk about it, they scare you so bad, but for me, I was fine.

Now, I understand that it is THAT BAD for some women. So, Michelle, I'm so sorry that you have had such a hard final trimester. She is now 36 weeks along, WAHOO, I'm so glad that you've made it this far, man I would be screaming for pain medication a long time ago if I DAILY had to endure what you have gone through. I apologize for being secretly mad at you through your 1st trimester (She had the EASIEST first trimester EVER). I admire you for getting through this with such a positive attitude!!! GO MICHELLE!

Did anyone else have a super hard 3rd trimester?


Tara said...

oh man. i just hated pregnancy all together! i feel for you michelle!!!

i made your cute multi-color hairclip and i need your address!! email me:

also, i am having a giveaway if you want to win a different one! just go to my blog.

Matti said...

Poor Michelle. I must appologize too for being jealous of her easy 1st tri. No fun... but once they are here how quickly we forget how bad it ReAllY was... ;-)