I love 4 year olds. Today Breanna picked a purple flower out of the grass, held it until we got home (1/2 an hour later), then asked for a cup of water. She placed the flower in it to keep it wet. She named the flower "Blossom". She checked on it throughout the day. In the afternoon she brought it to the backyard with us while the kids played. She randomly kept checking on "Blossom" (still in the water cup) and made sure Ethan didn't get it.
So fun what they come up with on their own. While in the backyard she found a catepillar and then some random black bug. She wanted water cups for those also so they would be "safe". I objected for the bugs so they wouldn't die, but thought what a kind hearted girl she is to care about these living things and want to care for them, in her own funny way :)
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