Height: 29 inches - 25th percentile
Weight: 21.5 lbs - 25th percentile
OK....here's my question for the day....
Ethan breastfed until 9 months old when he weaned HIMSELF. Since then I've been bottle feeding him.
Why do I have to take him off the bottle at 12 months? If I were nursing him, no one would have told me that I had to stop nursing him....so what is the difference?
Why is it okay for a mom to nurse her child til they are 2 or whenever but I have to automatically stop giving him milk in the bottle?
My doctor also said I should put the milk in a sippy cup cold.....
-No bottle
Why don't I just tazor him while I'm at it...the poor child will NOT drink cold formula or milk so this would be pure torture to him.
-Seriously though, I do NOT put him in bed with his bottle.
-He only drinks his bottle at routine times in the day.
-He does not casually sip the bottle or have one near him unless it's his bottle feeding time.
-I hold him while he drinks his bottle, it's our special time together with NO ONE else interrupting, so as much as he would not like it, I would not like it, b/c it's my only one on one time with him and just him.
So, what's your opinion? Seriously, I'm interested. I know I eventually need to get rid of the bottle, but why is it so important to do it at 12 months, when I could have nursed him for longer without a Dr. telling me to stop.