Monday, July 5, 2010

Check up

Height: 29 inches - 25th percentile
Weight: 21.5 lbs - 25th percentile's my question for the day....

Ethan breastfed until 9 months old when he weaned HIMSELF. Since then I've been bottle feeding him.

Why do I have to take him off the bottle at 12 months? If I were nursing him, no one would have told me that I had to stop nursing what is the difference?

Why is it okay for a mom to nurse her child til they are 2 or whenever but I have to automatically stop giving him milk in the bottle?

My doctor also said I should put the milk in a sippy cup cold.....
-No bottle

Why don't I just tazor him while I'm at it...the poor child will NOT drink cold formula or milk so this would be pure torture to him.

-Seriously though, I do NOT put him in bed with his bottle.
-He only drinks his bottle at routine times in the day.
-He does not casually sip the bottle or have one near him unless it's his bottle feeding time.
-I hold him while he drinks his bottle, it's our special time together with NO ONE else interrupting, so as much as he would not like it, I would not like it, b/c it's my only one on one time with him and just him.

So, what's your opinion? Seriously, I'm interested. I know I eventually need to get rid of the bottle, but why is it so important to do it at 12 months, when I could have nursed him for longer without a Dr. telling me to stop.


kristi said...

I really don't know other than I think its best to get rid of the bottle and the binki at 12 months for dental reasons, it messes with their teeth.

Keilana is the same way - she refusing to drink cold milk, and she is not a huge fan of the sippy. I only give her a bottle when I am holding her and at eating times.

I have tried gradually making the milk cooler and cooler by warming it less but she still has no interest in a sippy with a straw (since I've also read that regular sippy's are bad for dental reason). I don't know how to get her off the bottle and drinking cold milk. As well I love to rock her to sleep at night feeding her, her bottle before I put her in her crib.

Michelle & Todd said...

Because doctors are dumb. Paxton still drinks milk from his bottle...and I don't really plan on doing anything about any time soon.

Jessica said...

Jocelyn had her bottle until she was TWO! I didn't care. Why is ok for kids to have binkies for over two years? What's the difference? Seriously. I wouldn't stress. I switched to milk at a year because I didn't want to buy formula and I stopped breastfeeding at a year as well. It was a pretty easy transition for us. I did it gradually. I always used cold milk because I didn't want to worry about warming it up if we went somewhere. Take it easy, take it slow. And really who cares what other snobby moms think ;-) Your kids are growing and healthy!

natalie said...

Wow that is a good point. I never thought of that before (that its ok to breastfeed until 2 but not drink from a bottle).
Sometimes pediatricians bug me.
Oh and drinking milk cold... WHO CARES??? Seriously!! I know adults who still like to have warm milk for breakfast.
I gradually heated up their milk less each time because I just thought it was a pain.My SIL still heats up milk for her 3 & 5 yr old and I didn't want to get stuck heating up milk for the rest of my life. haha.
Did you ask your doctor WHY as far as the sippy cup goes? I would really like to know what they say. I wonder if it's their teeth?

Michal Thompson said...

Your his mom, you know best. Really, most doctors haven't ever had kids and sometimes I just brainstorm up these crazy ideas. I don't know that they often really have really good reasons for things. Honestly, I think it is great that you still have this bonding time with him. Don't let them rush you into thinking he has to grow up. You will know when it is time. You can always try to look it up, study it out. And, even pray about it. I know that Heavenly Father can help us in any avenue of our life, even as simple as bottle feeding!

Laura McGee said...

I think its mostly a socialist thing. people without kids and the eldery find it odd to have a toddler with a bottle.
I know that having a binky or bottle too long can cause dental issues. I took kason off the bottle at 11months and the binky at 14months. I know its easier to ween them younger than older so that's another reason to say do it at 12months.
If you don't have him grazing on it all day long and not at night I think its fine.
Try the nubby brand sippys. They are soft like a nipple...I believe they are easier to transition..try water or watered down juice..especially in this hot weather...
Warm milk is someone else said it does become a pain to always warm the milk nephew loved it warm at 6... but its not bad.

Christina said...

It can mess with their teeth as well as the development of the muscles in the face that will later affect their speech. Plus it will be much harder to get him to 'lose it' later on. With our second child we skipped the bottle all together and he had no issues taking the sippy cup. He's 14 months now and we still warm the milk up though- unless it's super hot out.

Michelle & Todd said...

PS don't do it until you are ready to have Ethan throw sippy cups at you out of hatred (of the sippy cup). It's really fun...I know from experience. Actually we had a breakthrough today and he only through it at me once and had a meltdown for like 5 minutes afterwards.